While many Jamaicans can access free healthcare and prescription drugs at government hospitals and clinics, the long waiting time to get certain surgical procedures done is often a deterrent for some, leaving many to opt to have it done privately.

The astronomical costs of these private surgical procedures are a dilemma for many, especially for those without health insurance. Finding the money to proceed with life-saving operations create financial and emotional burdens for patients, forcing some to engage in fundraising events, solicit funds, or seek a loan from a financial institution.

The experience is one which Christine Barnaby, a Kingston-based pharmacist, who was diagnosed with a skull-based Glomus jugulare tumour in February of this year, can relate to. The diagnosis has been unnerving for her. Equally unnerving were the various estimated costs which she received for the treatment.

“Four of the five nerves in that region of my skull have been damaged by the tumour,” Barnaby disclosed. “I’m having a lot of complications, such as excruciating pain in my head and shoulders, spasms, numbness to my face, palpitations, and I’m gradually losing my speech,” she added.

Due to the rarity of the tumour and the location of the growth, local and overseas specialists have recommended that she does treatment abroad. The tumour occurs in three of every one million persons.

In order to initiate the various recommended procedures, Barnaby has embarked on a GoFundMe account to assist in raising some of the urgently needed funds. To date, she has only achieved approximately 10 per cent of the targeted sum of US$80,000, which is only a portion of the estimated expenses.

She has her first appointment at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida, on July 16.

“Being in the healthcare industry, I knew that the treatment would be expensive; however, I never imagined it would be so high. I am, therefore,

grateful to the persons who contributed to my GoFundMe tumour treatment fund. Even strangers have contributed,” she said.


Similarly, Marcia Sewell (not her real name), a retired schoolteacher, was faced with a predicament when she was required to come up with J$5.2 million to correct her lumbar spinal stenosis.

“The condition started in 2011, and it was getting progressively worse. I couldn’t stand for more than five minutes, and I was hunching. It was affecting by bladder and bowel functions,” she disclosed.

With the knowledge that her condition would continue to deteriorate, rendering her physically challenged, she chose to proceed with the corrective procedure.

Taking out a five-year loan against her shares and deposit at her credit union, along with her savings and financial assistance from her children, she did a successful surgery in May of this year.
